藤田 勝光
(Fujita Masamitsu)
株式会社Feel Japan
From now
What you want to do in the future
Until now
What I've been doing, What I'm doing, What I can do
Hobbies and Favorites
Seeking connection
Looking for such people and things
企業の法人合宿 研修担当者
I want to connect with this kind of person
Strong in finance related matters
Has experience in starting a business
Can introduce people
Has experience working with local governments
People with similar interest
D. C. TRAINING JAPAN 株式会社 マーケティングマネージャー
Marketing/ad operation
Offline marketing
Digital marketing
WEB designer/director
Animal Com
EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会 事務局次長
Team management
Has experience working with local governments
Can introduce people
ファーストペンギン・ユニオンLLC 代表社員
Good at public relations/PR
I can write a press release
Business Development